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articles of tradeの例文


  • She is a high-priced article of trade, a colourful flower exported abroad,
  • Ebla's main articles of trade were probably timber from the nearby mountains, and textiles.
  • Articles of trade on the Walawe river shipping route and on land routes were also swapped there.
  • Completely out of articles of trade the crew began cutting up rudder chains to exchange for provisions.
  • Besides the usual articles of trade this fair, which is attended by about 10, 000 peoples.
  • The pictures have been used in catalog sections of the respective company websites and have been freely reproduced in articles of trade magazines.
  • They affixed an exorbitant price of their own to every article of trade, and they insulted any of the hands whom they met alone.
  • Salt became an important article of trade and was transported by boat across the Mediterranean Sea, along specially built salt roads, and across the Sahara in camel caravans.
  • They demanded that the number of envoys exchanged, ships engaged in trade and articles of trade be strictly limited, and that all foreign books in Korea should be destroyed.
  • He had young Africans sent to England to learn methods of preparation of cotton, palm oil, and other articles of trade; and he paid visits to friends in Manchester in the cotton industry.
  • Though most inhabitants of the area did not have direct contact with European traders who they called Mbakara until early in the twentieth century, it is believed that European articles of trade reached the people since the 17th century.
  • Valentina Skryabina, leader of Nadezhnaya Opora, a nongovernmental organization that combats AIDS infections in drug addicts, said, " Blood is an article of trade . . . . Hospitals are offered blood, and not always through the ( official ) blood center.
  • He also rejected the federal contention that s . 95 ( 7 ) could be supported under s . 95 of the " British North America Act ", as it dealt not with agriculture but with a product of agriculture, and therefore was an article of trade.
  • :: " The name " Raisin-BRAN " could not be appropriated as a trade-mark, because : " A name which is merely descriptive of the ingredients, qualities or characteristics of an article of trade cannot be appropriated as a trademark and the exclusive use of it afforded legal protection.
  • Among other things, Heke objected to the relocation of the capital to Auckland; moreover the Governor in Council imposed a custom tariff on staple articles of trade that resulted in a dramatic fall in the number of whaling ships that visited Kororreka ( over 20 whaling ships would visit the Bay of Islands at any one time );
  • It said that " the charge made against these defendants is that, whatever may have been their final purpose with respect to the control of the art, what they combined to do, and have done, is to restrain trade or commerce in these films, which are articles of trade and the subject of large interstate transactions, in which the defendants had part ."